At the end of 14th century, the world has entered a new era with the beginning of renaissance. Discovery of new sea routes create some financial centers. Developments have led to an increase in money exchange between countries. As a result of the growing trade movements banks were established and became an important factor for the finance sector. Lots of people started to work for banks. Banking sector employees are in constant interaction with people because of their work. Lots of times banking sector employees face with contrary expectations in their workplace. They can only satisfy one expectation and it causes to role conflict. Role conflict can influence on job resourcefulness and job outcomes. Our goal is examining the relationships between role conflict, job resourcefulness and job outcomes. This study is based on Harris et al. Data were gathered from 96 employees, who are working at Banks in Denizli, Turkey. SPSS was used for the data analysis. As a result, we found that Job Resourcefulness and Role Conflict have low and positive relationship, Intention to Leave Job and Role Conflict have a low and positive relationship too, at last we found that Job Resourcefulness and Job Satisfaction have a low and negative relationship.
Key words: Role Conflict, Job Outcomes, Job Resourcefulness, Intention to Leave, Job Satisfaction.