Towards Developing INSET Materials for Secondary Schools Science and Mathematics Inspectors in Tanzania: Experience from Needs Assessment


This is a research reported on the workshop made during needs assessment of a gap between knowledge and practice of Secondary Schools Science and Mathematics Inspectors (SSI) in the process of providing support, liaison and control to the implementation of developed innovation in science, mathematics and ICT. Thirteen (13) SSI attended the workshop. Questionnaire, interview protocols and observations were the means of collecting data. Findings and observations showed that the inspectors had inadequate knowledge and skills of providing support, liaison and control to the innovations that were continuously being implemented in secondary school. It was concluded that sustainability of the new innovations depended largely on the involvement of the SSI knowledge and skills to monitor and evaluate them.

Key words: secondary schools, inspectors, INSET programme, ICT, monitoring, evaluation, innovations, MoEVT, workshop

Francis William.