Objectives of this research isto analyse the implementation of blended learning at Post Graduate Program in SebelasMaret University Solo, Indonesia.This research applies the descriptive method by using qualitative approachon the specified case study. Location of this research is the Study Program of Education Technology at Post Graduate Program in UNS Solo, Indonesia. Data are collected through interviews, observations, and document analyses. Validity assessment is done by using data triangulation whereas data analysis is carried out by applying interactive analytical technique.Implementation of Blended Learning (BEL) at Post Graduate Program in UNS Solo consists of six stages, namely: :determining the kind and material of learning,determining the BEL design to be used, determining the format of on-line learning,performing a test for the design made,assigning special instructors (lecturers / webmasters) andpreparing criteria to perform evaluation on BEL implementation.Perception of lecturers and students upon BEL implementation has not yet been in conformance with the principle of BEL Application. Therefore, regulation is absolutely required for the existence of Blended Learning (BEL) system.
Key-words: Blended Learning, On-line Learning, Principle of BEL Application