The purpose of this research is obtain a description of mathematical communication ability (MCA) through 4K learning model based on personality types Guardian, Artisan, Rational, and Idealist. The subjects of this research consist of 4 students 7th grade in State Junior High School 2 Semarang. The techniques to collect data of this research are mathematical communication test and interviews. Test result and interviews are analyzed based on the mathematical communication ability criteria, they are the ability of: (1) writing what are known and what are asked (MCA 1); (2) writing an answer appropriate with the problem intention (MCA 2); (3) writing the reason in problem solving (MCA 3); (4) making a sketch related to problem (MCA 4); (5) writing the technical terms and mathematics symbols (MCA 5); and (6) writing a conclusion with own words (MCA 6). The result of this research showed that: (1) Guardian master MCA1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, but does not master MCA 6; (2) Artisan master MCA 1, 2, 3, and 4, but does not master MCA 5 and 6; (3) Rational master all MCAs; (4) Idealist master MCA 1, 2, and 4, but does not master MCA 3, 5, and 6. Keywords: Mathematical Communication, 4K Model, Personality Types